Academic Council Meeting
November 29, 2018
3:30 – 5:00 PM
0012 Westbrook Building (Divinity School)


1. Welcome / Announcements

2. Approval of minutes from the November 15, 2018 meeting will be handled at the January 17, 2019 meeting as the Thanksgiving holidays did not allow sufficient time for transcribing

3. Improving Climate & Building Community: Follow-up Plan to the 2018 Internal Survey: Abbas Benmamoun, Vice Provost for Faculty Advancement

4. Graduate students will address the Academic Council regarding what constitutes a living wage at Duke for PhD students

5. Remarks from Duke’s Chair of the Board of Trustees, Jack Bovender

The following materials are posted for your consideration in terms of agenda item #4:

Information provided by the Provost's Office

Proposal for a livable PhD stipend from Duke Graduate Students

Graduate and Professional Student Council Livable Stipend Resolution

Reception to follow meeting