3:30 p.m. – 0012 Westbrook (Divinity School)
1. Announcements
2. Approval of minutes from the December 2 meeting (minutes)
3. Presentation regarding the E-Learning Roadmap Project – Tracy Futhey, VP, Office of Information Technology
4. Academic Council Chair Nominating Committee Report – Professor Dona Chikaraishi
5. Two proposals from the Fuqua School of Business: 1) for converting their local Master of Management Studies (MMS) pilot program to permanent degree status and 2) for the creation of a Global MMS program and degree – Dean Blair Sheppard and Deputy Dean Bill Boulding
(Local MMS Proposal)
(APC Approval of Local MMS)
(Global MMS Proposal)
(APC Approval of Global MMS)
(Provost Approval of Local Fuqua MMS)
(Provost Approval of Global MMS)