Academic Council Meeting
September 28, 2017
3:30 – 5:00 PM
0012 Westbrook Building (Divinity School)
1. Welcome / Announcements
2. Election of members to the Academic Council's Faculty Hearing Committee: Consent Item (Document)
3. Presentation from Duke’s Vice Provost for Faculty Advancement, Abbas Benmamoun
4. Master’s Programs Report Update: Jennifer Francis, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
5. Proposed multidisciplinary graduate program between the Pratt School of Engineering and Trinity College of Arts & Sciences: Professors Adrienne Stiff-Roberts and Stephen Craig (Proposal) (MOUs) (APC memo) (Provost's memo)
6. University Priorities Committee Preview for AY 2017-18: Professor Lori Bennear, chair (Background material)
7. Commission on Memory and History Presentation: Professor Gráinne Fitzsimons, Vice Chair for the Commission
Reception to follow meeting to welcome new members