3:30 p.m. – 0012 Westbrook (Divinity School)
1. Welcome / Announcements
2. Approval of minutes from the April 16, 2015 meeting (minutes)
3. Nomination of candidates for earned degrees
4. [EXECUTIVE SESSION]: VOTE on Honorary Degrees for 2016
5. VOTE: proposed master’s degree in analytical political economy
(MAPE responses REVISED) (proposal) (Provost letter and APC resolution)
6. Consent item: reports from the chairs of the following:
1. Academic Programs Committee: Professor Ed Balleisen
(APC Report 2014-15) (APC Overview – answer to query from AC member)
2. University Priorities Committee: Professor Peter Feaver (UPC Report 2014-15)
3. Global Priorities Committee: Professor Susan Alberts (GPC Report 2014-15)
4. Athletic Council: Professor Jim Coleman (Athletic Council Report 2014-15)
7. Faculty satisfaction survey presentation – Dr. Nancy Allen, Vice Provost for Faculty Diversity & Faculty Development (Survey Highlights)
8. Final report from the co-chairs of the Academic Council Diversity Task Force – Professors Nan Jokerst & Trina Jones (Report)