3:30 p.m. – 0012 Westbrook (Divinity School)
1. Approval of February 21, 2008 meeting minutes (minutes)
2. Announcements
3. Duke University Postdoctoral Policy –
James Siedow, Vice Provost for Research
Sally Kornbluth, Vice Dean for Basic Sciences
(exhibit 1 -PDF), (exhibit 2-PDF), (exhibit 3– PDF)
4. Duke University Guidelines for Authorship and Authorship Dispute Resolution –
James Siedow, Vice Provost for Research (exhibit – PDF)
5. Name change proposal from the Department of Asian and African Languages and Literature
Leo Ching, Chair, Asian and African Languages and Literature
(exhibit 1 PDF), (exhibit 2, PDF), (exhibit 3, PDF), (exhibit 4, PDF)
6. Name change proposal from the Department of Biological Anthropology and Anatomy
Dan Schmitt, Chair, Biological Anthropology and Anatomy
(exhibit 1, PDF), (exhibit 2, PDF), (exhibit 3, PDF), (exhibit 4, PDF), (exhibit 5, PDF)