Thursday, January 21, 2016
3:30 p.m. - 0012 Westbrook (Divinity School)
1. Welcome / Announcements
2. Approval of minutes from the November 19, 2015 meeting (minutes)
3. Proposal for Joint Sponsorship of the PhD in Integrated Biology and Medicine (IBM) at Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School – Dr. Patrick Casey
(Proposal) (Provost's Memo) (APC Resolution)
4. Proposed name change to an existing master’s degree in Art, Art History & Visual Studies – Professors Caroline Bruzelius and Victoria Szabo
(Proposal) (Provost's Memo) (APC Resolution)
5. Academic Council’s Faculty Compensation Committee: Plans and progress on faculty salary study – Professor Merlise Clyde, chair
6. [Executive Session] Presentation by Kyle Cavanaugh, VP, Administration