Thursday, April 18, 2002
3:45 p.m. – 139 Social Sciences
1. Approve minutes of March 21, 2002 meeting (minutes)
2. Announcements
3. Executive Session – Honorary Degrees
4. Election of Academic Council Executive Committee
5. Proposed change to composition of Harassment Grievance Board – Cynthia Clinton, Director, Harassment Prevention
6. Proposal to create a Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology – Joe Corless, Vice Dean, Faculty and Academic Affairs; Jack Keene, Chair, Department of Microbiology; Joe Nevins, Chair, Department of Genetics
7. Proposed Ph.D. Program in Molecular Genetics and Microbiology – Joe Nevins, Chair, Department of Genetics
8. Proposed Ph.D. Program in Bioinformatics and Genome Technology – Jim Siedow, Vice Provost for Research; Joe Nevins, Chair, Department of Genetics