3:30 PM – 0012 Westbrook (Divinity School)
1. Welcome / Announcements
2. Approve minutes from the September 15, 2011 meeting (minutes)
3. Presentation from Professor Jeff Vincent, chair, Global Priorities Committee
(Background #1) (Background #2) (Background #3)
4. Presentation from Professor Paul Haagen, chair, China Faculty Council (Background)
5. Vote: Fuqua MMS degree in the UAE (Proposal)
6. Question submitted anonymously for the Administration:
“I applaud the administration’s sentiments about the global nature of higher education and Duke’s potential role in that endeavor; I would like to think of myself as someone as devoted to cosmopolitanism as anyone else, but I am still somewhat troubled about how things add up with these ventures. We first must be careful stewards of our own institution’s viability and local/regional/national mission before we go off and contribute to the world in such a substantive way. We now have marked a five-year anniversary of the beginning of our relationship with DU-NUS. I am wondering how this undertaking has measured up to initial expectations and benchmarks? I know that it seems to have been working well for the Singaporeans, but how about for Duke, and specifically, Duke Medical School?”
7. Update from Provost Lange regarding the recent Board of Trustees Meeting