Thursday, November 16, 2000
3:45 p.m. – 139 Social Sciences
1. Approve minutes of October 19, 2000 meeting (minutes)
2. Announcements
3. Nicholas School of the Environment proposal to change name to The Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences and to create three divisions – Dean Norman Christensen
4. Students and Alcohol – James Clack, Interim Vice President for Student Affairs
5. Perkins Library Renovation Plans – Robert Byrd, Chair, Perkins Library Renovation Committee; David Ferriero, University Librarian; Geoffrey Freeman, Architect, Shepley Bulfinch Richardson and Abbott (Boston)
Reminder – The next meeting of the Council will be on Thursday, November 30 at 3:45 p.m. in this room (139 Social Sciences). This meeting is called to allow the Council to hear and respond to the University Strategic Plan before it is presented to the Board of Trustees on December 1-2.
The December 7 Academic Council meeting is canceled.