Academic Council Meeting
March 23, 2017
3:30 PM, 0012 Westbrook Building
1. Welcome / Announcements
2. Approval of minutes from the February 16, 2017 meeting (minutes)
3. VOTE: School of Medicine’s Population Health Sciences Center transition to department status (proposal) (APC resolution) (Provost's memo) (letters of support) (BSFSC comments)
4. VOTE: proposed joint PhD with Sanford School of Public Policy and the Arts & Sciences (proposal) (APC resolution) (Provost's memo)
5. [ECAC recommendation]: Reconstitute Academic Council Student Affairs Committee: Professor Emily Klein (proposal)
6. [ECAC recommendation]: Establish an Ad Hoc Committee on Faculty Rank Distribution: Professor Trina Jones (proposal)
7. Biannual salary equity report presentation: Professors Merlise Clyde and Josh Socolar, members of the Academic Council’s Faculty Compensation Committee