3:30 p.m. – 139 Social Sciences
1. Approval of minutes of January 20, 2005 meeting (minutes)
2. Announcements
3. Election of Academic Council Chair (ballots will be distributed at the meeting and collected shortly after 4:00 p.m.)
4. School of Medicine Faculty Diversity Plan update – Professor Ann Brown, Associate Dean for Women in Medicine and Science
5. Coalition on Intercollegiate Athletics: Academic Integrity document – Professor Linda Franzoni
6. Department of Public Policy proposal to create a Ph.D. program – Professor Fritz Mayer, Director of Graduate Studies
7. Institute for Genome Sciences and Policy (IGSP) proposal to recommend appointment of research-track faculty – Provost Peter Lange; Hunt Willard, IGSP Director
8. Proposed rules for revised Distinguished Professors Selection Process – Provost Peter Lange