Academic Council Meeting
February 16, 2023
3:30 – 5:00 PM
0012 Westbrook Building (Divinity School)

  1. Welcome / Remarks from the Chair
  2. Approval of the January 19, 2023 meeting minutes (minutes)
  3. [VOTE] Proposal for a change in tenured option in the visual and performing arts units (Supporting memo & summary document from Academic Programs CommitteeArts Tenure Pathways Report)
  4. Presentation regarding the creation of a stand-alone Research Policy Handbook in conjunction with certain changes concerning appendices O, P and Chapter 5 in Duke’s Faculty Handbook: Jenny Lodge, Vice President for Research & Innovation along with members from the Research & Innovation Office.
    (Please note that various supporting material can be reviewed in advance via Duke Box at this url:
  5. Panel Discussion regarding Duke’s Climate Initiative: Professors Betsy Albright, Emily Bernhardt, Saskia Cornes and Norbert Wilson